
Support Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation Service

FWRRS is an all-volunteer, non-profit, tax-exempt organization dedicated to caring for orphaned and/or injured native wildlife in our Central Valley. The organization has two main goals: to treat, rehabilitate and return all animals to their natural habitat whenever possible and to educate the general public in becoming more aware, concerned and understanding of our wildlife resources.

Donate Money

Cash donations of any amount are deeply appreciated and are used for everyday operating expenses such as food for animals, medical treatment and supplies, construction (owl boxes, rehab pens) and educational projects. Our new State-of-the-art Nature Education and Wildlife Center will be opening soon.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 2605
Clovis, CA 93613

Donate Goods

We appreciate new and used items. We often need baby blankets, paper towel, baby wipes, clorox wipes, pet carriers, water bowls, non-latex gloves of all sizes, and heating pads with no auto shut-off. looking for a quick, easy way to donate goods? Visit our Amazon Wishlist! We are also looking for items or services that can be auctioned off at our annual banquet.


Donate your Car, Truck, Boat, RV, or Motorcycle
– Running or Not! It's Tax Deductible!

For more information contact Car Donation Services at 1-888-686-4483 or click here to donate directly. Get rid of that unneeded vehicle and receive a tax deduction! It’s easy! Be sure to designate Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation Service as your charity of choice.

Fresno Wildlife Rehabilitation Service has teamed up with Car Donations Services, Inc. to provide you with the easiest way possible to donate your vehicle whether it is running or not!

Car Donations Services has been helping local charities since 1990 and will take care of every aspect of your car donation, allowing you peace of mind that the transaction will be completed efficiently and properly.

CDS uses multiple methods to sell the vehicles, so your vehicle will sell for more which means more money for Fresno Wildlife and a larger tax deduction for you!

CDS is a licensed Commercial Fundraiser as recognized by the California State Attorney General's Registry of Charitable Trusts. Visit them online at or call 1-888-6TO-GIVE (1-888-686-4483).

*We appreciate any donations you can make big or small. Don't forget that all donations are tax deductible.*


P.O. Box 2605
Clovis, CA 93613